These are a group of very desctructive pirates that go by the name of the Vendetta crew, their captain is Blackclaw a very nasty cannibal pirate who has a kill count in the hundreds which treats the crew like his family.

The pirate crew consists of runaways, orphans, the homeless etc. Individuals who were forgotten or left behind, and a lot of those who joined the crew mostly did so either out of spite, having no where to go but to join a life of crime, or simply joined for the promise of riches/imfamy.

These pirates get around by a flying ship ( called the Vendetta of course ) that makes them capable of traveling everywhere in Eharion, it has enough firepower within it to level whole cities making it a very dangerous weapon of mass destruction pretty much.

Alva, the runaway with a grumpy personality.
Captain Blackclaw, the bloodthristy captain of the ship itself!
Embertalon, the violent yet chipper pirate with one eye and a pegleg!
Shadewit, Blackclaw's sister, and awful enabler.
Tizali, Blackclaw's adopted orphan daughter, and is considered ' the princess ' of the ship."
Varo, blackclaw's brother.